A Small Business Milestone
This year I reached the exciting stage of not being able to do all the knitting and making at Collingwood-Norris myself. As you hopefully know by now, each piece is knitted individually here in the Galashiels studio, and then hand finished, so they’re all labour intensive. It’s a small business that requires a lot of making work, as well as all the admin side of things to keep it going. It’s difficult as a one-woman enterprise to give every aspect of the business the time it needs. It was quite hard for me to admit I needed help, because I’ve become very used to doing everything, and doing it exactly how I want it!
Meet Cara, the new studio assistant/ knitter here at Collingwood-Norris!
Introducing Cara- who now makes your clothes too!
So, in August, Cara started coming to work for me part time. Cara is a 4th year student at Herriot Watt University studying textiles and specialising in knitwear, as I did. She’s coming to the studio half a day a week to help me, fitting me in around her uni work. For now, she’s knitting when she’s here: making the river hats and scarves. This means we can both be knitting at the same time, using both my machines, which is great!
Cara busy knitting an Ettrick hat.
Transparency in Manufacturing
Transparency is really important to me, so I like to be able to share who makes your clothes, where they’re made and how. I still do the sewing up, washing and pressing, but you’ll find some “Made by Cara” labels on hats and scarves now, which is we think is pretty exciting! Being able to put Cara’s name onto the products she knits keeps it personal and transparent.
Cara is really interested in colour, and her own work is colourful and playful, so she’s a good fit here at Collingwood-Norris.
If you’re coming to St Abbs Wool Fair on the 3rd of November, or 3D/2D Art and Design Fair on 8th December in Edinburgh, you’ll meet Cara, as she’ll be helping out!