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Scottish Heather at Dawn

The heather this year has been stunning in Scotland. I can’t remember if it’s always this beautiful, or if it’s been better than usual this year. The purple carpets of it covering the hills have been spectacular either way!

I’m very lucky that local photographer duo Rose and Julien were willing to get up early and capture some of my scarves and circle scarves with the heather on the Eildon hills. I wanted to show you some of them…

Edit: These scarves are no longer available, but I have other scarves inspired by the Scottish Borders that are.

As you may know, I’ve been using my local hillsides as inspiration for some of my work this year. The ever changing colours of gorse, blaeberries and heather keep me inspired all year round and make my daily walks with my dog Leni constantly interesting. Heather surprises me each year as I get so used to it looking dark on the hills that the sudden creep of purple and pink catches me by surprise just when I’ve just given up on the colours changing.

These are the first professional images of my new circle scarves, which are all hand framed by me to order. They’re a little wider than the regular scarf, but a little shorter over all, so they can sit comfortably around your neck in a double loop. Each of this style of scarf comes with the option of having it as a circle scarf. This year I’m trying to make more pieces to order- it’s a great way to reduce excess stock, and I really like making with the customer in mind. It does mean that if you ever want a slightly different colour combination, you only have to ask!